Introducing Tshimangadzo Tshidzumba known as TeaSquared an artist born on the 23rd of November 1992 in Murunwa Nzhelele , Venda, Limpopo in South Africa. In 2011 TeaSquared started doing music but it wasn't until 2019 when he was was nominated for the best collaboration of the year in the Hip Hop Cares awards that things seemed to take of for his music career. The next year in May 2020 TeaSquared would then release this hit song titled Khotsi fhatutshedza (God bless).
The song has done very well for his brand and so far has managed to be nominated for a MAMA2020 Award. Khotsi fhatutshedza has also seen airplay internationally on radio stations in the UK and in Jamaica to name a few.

Let us know what you think about TeaSquared ft xCode Rsa and Shukho song titled Khotsi fhatutshedza (God bless) in the comments section below otherwise get in touch with him on Facebook: TeaSquared SA